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Useful Information - Mouth Care

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    Suggestions To Help Stomatitis (sore mouth)
  • Avoid acidic foods such as citrus and tomato juices, citrus fruits, pickles, and vinegar. Instead try bananas, canned peaches, pears, or apricots and fruit nectars.
  • Use seasonings sparingly. Spicy or salty foods may irritate a sore mouth.
  • Choose soft, bland foods such as cream soups, yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, gelatin, macaroni and cheese.
  • Serve foods warm or at room temperature rather than hot.
  • Soft cold foods often alleviate pain. Try ice cream, Popsicles, slushes, purees, or puddings.
  • Use a straw for drinking.
  • Puree foods in a blender if chewing is difficult. Baby foods may also be used.
  • Dunk hard foods, such as toast, in milk, cocoa, coffee, tea, or other warm beverages.
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Tilt head back or forward to aid swallowing.
  • Eat small frequent meals to minimize irritation to mouth.

    Mouth Care
  • Good mouth care is especially important to avoid infections.
  • If brushing teeth is painful, use swabs on teeth and gums.
  • Avoid mouthwashes which contain alcohol and are drying. Instead rinse mouth 4 times a day with a solution of 1 tsp baking soda and 1 tsp of salt dissolved in 1 quart of warm water.
  • Apply A&D ointment or other lip lubricant to avoid cracked lips. May also use petroleum jelly, lip balm, or cocoa butter.